Saturday, January 31, 2009

I've written on this before and referenced Peggy Noonan's great summary of the bottom line on "choice" -- that those who crave choice in abortion fail to realize that their "choice" was made in the back seat of the car. Personal liberty was choosing who they'd sleep with - not in the murder of the "mistake". The mistake was sex outside of marriage...not the fetus. As Noonan says, "Anyone who has gone to drugstore on Friday night to buy condoms knows when life begins - it begins at conception..."

John Piper has a great talk on his website on abortion It is very strong especially towards Barack Obama. He says in the talk, "On the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, President Obama said, “We are reminded that this decision not only protects women’s health and reproductive freedom, but stands for a broader principle: that government should not intrude on our most private family matters.”

NO Mr President. You aren't "protecting" women. He is authorizing the destruction of 500,000 little women every year. He isn't protecting "reproductive freedom", he is authorizing the destruction of freedom for more than 1 million babies in the US every year. Killing our children is killing our children no matter how many times you say over and over that this is "a private family matter" isn't a private family matter. It is murder. It is ugly. It is painful.

Obama said on the campaign trail that if one of his daughters got pregnant - he "would not them punished because of an unwanted pregnancy". Piper drives home hard at this point.

That isn't really what Obama wants. He doesn't really want his daughters having "reproductive freedom". He wants them chaste, holy, married, healthy, bearing children not carrying around with condoms in their purse. He doesn't really want them to be sexually free.

Be courageous Mr. Obama. You don't have to be the lap-dog of those around you. You can stand for your daughters. You can fight for them. God can change your heart.

Let us as believers commit to prayer for a change of heart in Mr. Obama. His daughters are beautiful, bright, optimistic children. They are this point. But if Daddy equips them with condoms and sets them out the door at 15 to find their sexual freedom, you and I know what will happen - they will reap what they sow.

Sexual freedom is a lie. IT IS A LIE. Satan lures us down that path to chase what feels good, explore our sexuality, etc. but we know that this path is chock full of destruction and pain. 1 million babies are aborted in the US every year. 50 million have been aborted since Roe v. Wade was passed. That is 50 million babies gone but even more painful is the untold price that act has on the millions of mothers. They never escape the pain of abortion. The act stays with them as a curse for life.

The path of life is narrow but obeying God and walking with God down the path of life will protect us. John 10:10 - The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy but I have come that they may have LIFE and have it abundantly.

LIFE. LIFE. Not abortion. Not death but LIFE. The path of this world is death and destruction. But the path of the Great Liberator is freedom. Freedom.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I have had a series of debates recently with folks with a common theme - whether or not we can believe the Bible as a word-for-word, literal message from God. In the past few months, I have had a number of passionate debates with people from all walks of life around this topic. It is interesting that so many people believe so strongly that you cannot believe the Bible. Why is that?

The folks I have debated this issue with tend to focus on the Old Testament and some of the practices and beliefs that were practiced thousands of years ago..."How could God who is love condone the stoning of a woman who is divorced" (from an old college friend that, as it turns out, went through a bitter and painful divorce)..."How is it that God could condemn homosexuals?" asked another old college friend. He went on to say that Jesus was simply all about loving one another...He later told me that he respected my beliefs because while I was completely intolerant, I was at least consistent.

I had a debate a few years ago with a former co-worker. He is bright and well-educated. He is "evolved". He was captivated by The DaVinci Code and even taught a Sunday night class at his church on the book. That's right - a "bible" study on the DaVinci Code. He told me one time that "You cannot possibly believe the Bible word for word as a literal translation. You cannot ignore the writings of DaVinci...he was brilliant. You cannot be so closed minded." And yet, he believed the writings of DaVinci over the Word of God. I told him that he was playing with fire and that when the end of time comes, I'd rather not sit down with God and explain to Him on High that I found DaVinci captivating and brilliant.

For thousands of years, man has taken the Word of God and twisted it to make it fit his needs. It started with Adam & Eve - take what God says and justify doing what you want to do. For thousands of years learned, evolved, brilliant people have tried to justify their beliefs in opposition to the Word of God. Scientists have tried to disprove many of the events of the Bible from Noah's Ark to the parting of the Red Sea and even to the crucifixion of our Lord. As far as I know, they've come up empty.

If man takes the Bible apart and accepts portions of it but rejects other parts because they are too offensive or not agreeable -- Man becomes God. Man is saying he knows best. Our sin nature pulls away from the Truth. We simply cannot accept the Word. We have to rationalize it, tweak it, delete parts of it, etc. We'll peel it down to the few sections that we can make agree with our choices and call ourselves religious.

This mindset is everywhere in the modern church and it is extremely dangerous. Be careful. Trust the Word of God. Believe.
