Friday, October 17, 2008

But remember—he gave us free will.

He gave us a choice. This is a frequent question, "Why does such a good God let bad things happen?" My wife had this conversation today with a friend. Man will say he doesn't believe in God and yet, man is so quick to ultimately blame God for his problems. Why is that?

We want our freedom. We want choice. Good news - He gave us free will. "You want choice, here you go..." Think of it terms of abortion. You'll correctly guess that I am against abortion. Always have been. As the father of adopted children, I am more so now than ever. But I digress. Abortion. "I want a woman's right to choose...." OK, you want you go. I'm not a woman and I've never had or known someone who has an abortion so this may seem harsh but wasn't "choice" made in the back seat of the car? Don't the young women who decide to have sex with their high school boyfriends make "choice" when they give over their bodies to them? Isn't there a reason the Bible says that sex should be saved for marriage? Why is that? Don't you think God knows the devastating consequences of sex before marriage and, God forbid, an abortion?

The woman's right to choose crowd wants freedom of choice. The right to choose is made when a couple climbs into bed. The conception of the child is the consequence of that choice. Peggy Noonan captured this better than I've ever heard stated when she said, "Anyone who buys a pack of condoms late on a Friday night knows when life begins - it begins at conception - because that is what they are trying to prevent." The conception is the consequence of an earlier choice.

In an other example - teenagers drinking on a Friday night. They know it is against the law. They know that it is dangerous and yet, they make the choice to drink. The DUI is the consequence of that choice. The kids have the freedom to choose - sex, drugs, rock and roll - and they have to live with the consequences.

And when the consequences come - and they always do - why does man (even those who don't believe) always ask, "Why would a good God let this happen?"

The ultimate consequence is being alone. You've been there. You know that feeling - when you were caught cheating on a test in high school, the first time your parents caught you sneaking out or sneaking in, being caught in a lie...once the music stops there is that sudden, haunting of "I am alone in this."

This is from Eldredge's book Epic...

"We seem to forget—perhaps more truthfully, we refuse to remember—that we are the ones who betrayed him, not vice versa. We are the ones who listened to the lies of the Evil One in the Garden; we chose to mistrust the heart of God. In breaking the one command he gave us, we set in motion a life of breaking his commands.

The final act of self-centeredness is seen in those who refuse to come to the wedding banquet of God (Matthew 22:2–3). They do not want God. They reject his offer of forgiveness and reconciliation through Jesus. What is he to do? The universe has only two options. If they insist, God will grant to them what they have wanted—to be left to themselves."

Remember He gives us free will. Remember there are consequences. The greatest consequence of all is separation from God. The only thing that bridges that gap is the freedom that comes from trusting in Jesus. "My life is a wreck. I wanted freedom, I got it and it isn't working out so well for me. I cannot do life on my own. I need to trust in Jesus. I need to finally lay down my life, my goals, my greed, my ambition and my desire to be my own Lord and the Lord of Lords take control." In that one act of faith, you bridge the gap from an eternity of aloneness and separation and come into an eternity of glory.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Be careful. Be still.

"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is." Ephesians 5:15-17

Be careful. Be careful of how you walk, of where you go, of who you associate with, of what you put into your mind. Make the most of your time for there are many "busy" things that compete for your 24 hours.

Satan has two strong tactics he employs to trip us up - the first is being busy. The busier we are, the less time we have to listen for the heart of God. Meetings, emails, blackberry's, little league, work, trips, charitable work, yard work, etc. Rush, rush. Go, go. Type-A. Power broker. Deal maker. Big producer. Important.

God wants you silent. God wants you slowed down so you can listen. Have you ever done this with your kids? "Please slow down a minute and be quiet so you can hear what I am trying to tell you!!" Don't you wonder if God isn't thinking the same thing about you and me? PLEASE get away from the noise. PLEASE get alone in the woods or in your closet so you can hear Me. PLEASE turn off the radio in your car and just communicate with Me. God longs for relationship with you. He craves time alone with you so He can nurture and guide you. Get quiet and listen.

Is it any wonder He says...."Be still and know that I am God"? (Ps 46:10). If you are will know.

Satan's other tactic - if he can't drown you in the busy work of this world, he'll go silent and convince you he doesn't exist. If you think about Oprah or the other "peace" guru's, they never talk about evil. They talk about evolving - about becoming the complete "you". They talk about inner peace. They talk about finding your center. They talk about being in the "now". Do you ever hear them talk about evil? Do they ever address the fact that Satan does exist, that evil is real and that it prowls around looking for someone to devour? They don't because they have bought one of Satan's great lies..."I'm not here."

The days are evil. Yes they are. I watch our debates and shake my head. Our nation stands on the brink. Where is the leadership? Where is the depth of character in the men and women that lead our nation? Where are the straight arrows - folks that mean what they say and say what they mean? Even more sad is why most Americans don't crave such leadership. Sadly, it appears we have become a nation of people who want someone else to fix our problems. We are a nation that turns away from responsibility and always thinks "someone else is to blame for my problems". We are a nation that has turned our backs on God and now wants a handout.

This verse is powerful. The days are evil. Don't be foolish. Understand the will of the Lord. Be careful. Be still.


Thursday, October 09, 2008

Consider this in the context of our world today...
This was written years ago by Rev. William Rogers of Denver, Colorado.

"Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock." Matthew 7:24

Our forefathers founded this nation on the rock of God's Word. Today people buy more Bibles and know less about the Bible's teaching than ever before. The result is a spiritual depression more serious than the economic one. By neglecting the religious principles once reverenced, our nation has slipped from the rock to shifting sand.

Daniel Webster left this warning: "If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury our glory in profound obscurity." The only way back to real stability is by restoring the Bible to its rightful place.

If prosperity should return under present low moral standards it would mean more drinking, more deaths on the highway, more gambling frenzy, more divorces and suicides. First we must have a moral and spiritual recovery. "Except the Lord build the house, the labor in vain that built it." Our citizens must turn again to the Bible, to the Church, and to God.

Undergird your character with Bible truth. Teach your children from the Word of God. Gather every Lord's day in God's House to study the way of life. Say with Joshua: "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." When we become a Bible-revering people our nation shall again stand on a rock where no storm can shake it.
Powerful, powerful words indeed - especially in 2008 when our nation has completely turned its back on God to pursue materialism and personal desires. Especially today when we consider who will be our next set of leaders. Especially today when our financial markets are rocked as a house built upon sand.

We need to be on our needs praying that God will show His mercy to our nation in this time of need.


Sunday, October 05, 2008

Go see this movie. It is fantastic. My wife wanted to go last weekend and i talked her out of it. She mentioned it early this Saturday morning as a longing. I told her the TV football schedule and then proceeded out to the yard. As I was working in the yard I decided to come in and offer her the movie. She took me up on the offer. I'm glad she encouraged this.

This movie is anointed. God is all over it. You could feel it. Watching this movie, you knew God's people had followed their hearts in making this movie. They took a huge risk and you could feel God's blessing on their work. Our audience was vocal in their approval. Many a person shouted out "Amen" at appropriate moments and "Praise God" during the key points in the movie. We were in a movie theatre full of believers watching a clean movie made by believers proclaiming the love of God. It was powerful beyond words.

I don't cry. My wife has only seen me cry 1-2 times in nearly 20 years of marriage but yesterday I could not contain a flood of tears. This movie simply blew me away. I have never seen the Gospel so easily and beautifully proclaimed. Time after time, the writers infused the movie with the Gospel -- a young black girl is trapped by a fire and Kirk Cameron goes in to save her. He refuses to leave her. During the fires of our lives, God sends in our Rescuer and He will not leave us. In a car wreck scene, a terrified young woman is told over and over, "I am here. I will not leave you". Exactly what God tells us when we wreck our lives. "I am here. I will not leave you." As I type this, I choke up with tears. God does not leave us. He sent His Son in to rescue us from the wreckage of our lives.

The man in this movie has his marriage in ruins. He and his wife lead separate lives. They've grown apart. They are selfish. They annoy one another. As he is trying to save his marriage and working with his father, he tells his father, "How can I continue to love her and move toward her when she continues to turn her back on me?" As the son is saying this the father is walking up under a cross at a beautiful outdoor sanctuary. Right as Kirk Cameron is saying this, the father winds up right under the cross. How can Jesus continue to move towards us and pursue love with us when we continue to completely turn our backs on him and lead our own broken lives? It is a powerful visual.

This movie will change your marriage. If you've ever struggled with your spouse - he/she is selfish, unstable, needy, greedy, passive, aggressive, demanding, nagging, etc., you need to see this movie. It captures the typical marriage with stunning clarity and brutal honesty. "All fall short of the glory of God".

Please, please invest the time and money and take your wife/husband to this movie. You won't regret it but I'll bet you'll come out with a new perspective on your marriage and life.

This brings me to another point. This movie cost $650,000 to make and has already grossed more than $10 million. A small church in Albany, Georgia went way out on a limb to make this movie and God is rewarding their faithfulness. As an aside, it warms this Georgia boy's heart to see Albany in this film. The pine trees, Phoebe Putney hospital, downtown Albany, etc. It feels like home. But to the point - here is a film made by Christians that is thoroughly entertaining and powerfully moving. It is clean. It is safe. It is quality entertainment and watching it, you could feel God's hand all over it. I was drawn to tears just by the power of God in this movie. He ordained it. All I can continue to say is "You can feel God" in this movie.

But again back to the point - what we watch. I am so sick of this election and the media. I am sick of Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric and MSNBC. I am sick of the spin. I am sick of The View and Oprah. I am sick of the poison they are spewing.

The media opposes the Cross. They hate it. Let me say this again - they HATE the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. They oppose him. They attack him. They are against anything that brings glory to God. The hate the Word -- you and I know it -- and yet, we watch them.

We let them into our homes. In effect....we embrace them. We listen to Oprah and it seeps into our minds, "Maybe she has a point...." She doesn't have a point. She is lost. She stands in direct opposition to the Word of God. And yet.....we watch them.

WHY? Ask yourself, "Why do I even bother to listen?" I know these people are Godless. I know that they have an agenda that opposes my Lord. So why then do we listen?

John 10:10 says very clearly, "The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it to the full." The thief is out there. He uses countless resources to come into our homes and tell us "God isn't real. God doesn't really care about you. You can make your own decisions and you can overcome the consequences...."

You know the lies and you know the liar. I just want to encourage you to see this movie as soon as possible and to pay attention to the sources of information you rely upon. We are in a world at war. America stands on the brink of financial ruin. Millions of Americans are addicted to alcohol, drugs, pornography, food and the love of money. The enemy - one by one - is looking for ways to trip you up and take you out; Don't kid yourselves. You are under attack. Your children are under attack. The liar is sneaky. He comes as you sideways. Be on guard.

Fireproof your life. Fireproof your marriage. Fireproof your kids. We are at war and praise be to God that He has already won the victory.
