Friday, October 06, 2006

What is truth?
We are struggling with our school over the way they are teaching our kids. The work load is enormous - hours of homework and tests stacked one on top of the other. The school has significantly ramped up its pace in order to keep up with the other independent schools in the South. We've seen a disturbing trend in private education over the past few years. Schools are gearing themselves toward only the very brightest students. The push is on.

My wife and I wrestle with just what it is we want for our kids. We want our kids to be educated - but - we also want them taught values, character and integrity. We want them to work hard - but - we also want them to be kids. As a 10-year old, I remember coming home and playing in the woods, building forts, playing football and riding my bike. My 10-year old comes home eats a snack and does 1-2 hours of homework every single night. There is no play. There is no laughter. There is no downtime. There is no riding bikes with her friends. There is just school work.

Can't you see what is happening by just reading the above paragraph? The world is taking away, bit by bit, chunks of my daughter. A death by a 1,000 cuts. Is it any wonder our society is heading toward destruction? When a 10-year old is so stressed by her school load that she can't enjoy life itself? Jesus came to give us life. Life. And yet our world and our schools is slowing stripping life out of us.

The world is lying to us. The world haves us believe these things are important...Harvard, Yale, global competition, what the Indian children are doing, what the Japanese kids are being taught...if we don't run, if we don't push, our kids will fall behind. It's a LIE.

You know it is a lie when you fall into the trap and don't see a way out. I can't pull my kids out ... "what will everyone think?" or "what will they miss?" It's a lie because the schools are keeping up with the Joneses and the parents are following right along.

To boot, the school is teaching creationism and challenging kids by saying "you can't prove any of what you read in the bible whereas scientists can prove..."

The pros will tell you that advanced education is all about opening up the students mind. Challenging them to not accept the status quo - to reach and question their basic beliefs. It is about becoming "evolved". It is - in it's very basic sense - a lie.

Think about all the things we hear that go on in education today. God is stripped out. Harry Potter is being read. The occult is being studied. Godless teachers are telling children "you can't prove this..." Prayers are forbidden at school events. All in the name of "freeing" up the children to explore their beliefs. Freeing children up to "evolve". If you think about that...sounds a lot like what Satan whispered to Eve in the garden. "You don't need need knowledge".

The world (satan) is lying to us. It is telling us "this is important". It flies in the face of God. Our kids are being taught/trained to go in another direction from God.

I am just coming to terms with what is going on around me and my kids and I don't like what I am seeing. More to come...

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