Thursday, December 07, 2006

Secular view on what I've been discussing...
Warren Buffett once said, "Life tends to snap you at your weakest link. So it isn't the strongest link you're looking for among the individuals in the room. It isn't even the average strength of the chain. It is the weakest link that causes the problem. It may be alcohol, it may be gambling, it may be a lot of things. When I look at our managers, I'm looking for people that function very, very well. And that means not having any weak links. The two biggest weak links in my experience: I've seen more people fail because of liquor and leverage. Donald Trump failed because of leverage. He simply got infatuated with how much money he could borrow, and did not give enough thought to how much money he could pay back."

So it is our weakest link that Satan looks to snap. Where are you weakest? Is it another woman? Is it pornography? Is it alcohol? Is it lust for power or money?

Find your weakest link and do what you can to shore it up. The Bible is clear on sex - "flee from sexual immorality". Jesus also spoke a great deal about our lust for money and things being the ruin of many a man.

Guard your flank. Look for your weaknesses and shore that area of your life up. If you can't do it alone, get some help from men you trust.


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