Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My best friend from college serves on a board with a local man that is a mentor of mine. They met at the board meeting last week and exchanged "who do you know in Columbus" and my name came up. This mentor of mine told my fraternity brother that he was worried about me because I was so serious.

That troubles me. Troubles me a great deal. It actually breaks my heart.

I heard last week that a 3 year old kid (i love little kids) giggles somewhere around 500 times a day. The average 40 year old laughs just 19 times in a day.

500 giggles to 19 laughs. 500 to 19. A blowout of epic proportions. The kid wins.

Is it any wonder Jesus said He wants us to come to Him as a child (rather than a 40 year old)?

We take this life (I confess, I do) way too seriously. We worry about things we cannot control. We fret over a stock market or interest rates or our boss who is indifferent. Is it any wonder we rarely laugh?

Laugh. Giggle. Stop taking yourself so seriously. Loosen up.


1 comment:

Hawk Soars said...

hey bubba! it's lucy! i luv ur blog and i think u r right about that giggle thing! LOL! i giggle all the time! like tonight when u sprayed me with the hose! i think God will take us how ever old we r! well i have to go now! i luv u!

luv, lucy AKA horseluver