Saturday, July 21, 2007

First Baptist Opelika
Last Sunday, we drove to Opelika to attend First Baptist Church. A great friend of mine is the YoungLife leader in Auburn. He was in my wedding and we worked together for about 8 years. I've written about Jim before - how he left the "world" and followed Christ into ministry. We went to Opelika to worship with Jim and see his home.

I've written about FBC Opelika before but that was only heresay - we've now seen it firsthand and I want to put a post up to honor what God is doing in that town. FBC anchors downtown Opelika. It's steeple is the tallest structure on the "Skyline". In a lot of ways, it is a traditional downtown, Southern baptist church but in a very real way, it is vastly different.

FBC has acquired about 4 blocks of Opelika. The old AmSouth Bank across the street is now part of FBC. They are doubling the size of this 2 story structure and it will contain their administrative offices and youth ministry. On another side of the block there is a singles ministry building and a high school ministry building. It is obvious that the ministry to youth, to college kids, to singles is more than just a token effort. FBC is putting money where the ministry is - there are dedicated buildings to each ministry and you can see the buzz and energy around each ministry. The sanctuary is undergoing a big renovation and expansion that will increase seating by 50%. FBC's budget is nearly $4 million. $4 million is a lot of money especially in a smaller town like Opelika. It is obvious that God is moving physically in a big way in Opelika.

But He is also moving in the Spirit.

We attended their contemporary service. All services (3 of them) are in the fellowship hall which seats I'd guess 6-700 folks. The contemporary service was full. As we walked in, a man greeted us and we told him we were friends of Jim's and he welcomed us and spoke to all 4 of us. We took our seats and I watched this man move around the aisles helping people find their seat, welcoming them and praying. I'm not sure he was praying but I sensed he was. You got the feeling that he was milling around the aisles up and down and from left to right speaking to whoever he could but also praying over all in the building. He was unassuming and modest and serving.

He was the senior pastor.

He stayed in the aisles during the praise music. Only when it became time for the sermon did it become obvious he was the preacher. When he stood up, he made a few brief announcements and welcomed everyone. He was talking about something and there was some confusion and he looked down at one of the associates and said, "You run this place, help me!".

Now, contrast all that with what we sometimes see in our "mega-churches". It all becomes about the senior pastor - his teaching ministry, his stage, his program, he runs the church, the associates all work for him ... it all is about him. This guy at FBC is serving. You can see it. He gives the stage over to his worship team to do what they do best. He gives over the administration to the associates that know how to administer. He is a servant leader in the truest sense.

Is it working? You bet. That contemporary service had upwards of 600 folks in there and 1/2 were young adults 20-30 years old. We were blown away by how many young men and women were there. Sure it is a college town but it was July and most of these young people we were seeing were young professionals, singles, newly married - not college students. The church is busting out at the seams and the Holy Spirit is tangibly present.

The leader is humble and serving those that work with him and those that worship with him and the result is a church with a $4 million budget and tons of fresh, excited, energized folks engaged in the bigger story.


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