Saturday, August 04, 2007

The Passion of following Christ
I've written much lately about Aslan being on the move. He is! Much is happening in Columbus and I can see God setting up the steps for a lot of big things to come. The initial steps are falling into place. What God can do is earth shaking and it is cool to see the steps starting to unfold.

Much is happening in my life as well. This has been the best 18 months of my spiritual life. God has taken me through a second awakening. Like what He is doing in Columbus, I see that He is shaping me for ... more. So much more. So much more than a 9 to 5 stockbroker, paying my taxes, raising my kids, loving my wife and being dutiful. So much more.

Time is short for all of us. We were coming home from the beach today and we hit a bug (or rather a bug hit our windshield at 75mph) on I-10. My daughter saw it and heard the loud plunk as he hit the windshield. She said, "Oh well, I guess he died." I used that to make a point for her..."Today was his day, every bug has a windshield out there with his name on it - it is coming for us all."

The point of this is one of take aways from this awakening in me is that God has shown me over and over again that life is precious and time is short. It is oh so short. We all have a bullet out there with our name on it. Our day is coming. What we make of this life is oh so important.

Erwin McManus said in his book Chasing Daylight, "There are few things more inspiring that a life lived with passionate clarity...Those men and women you admire, who somehow seem to live life to the fullest, would probably be the first to tell you that they are no different from you and me. It's not about talent or giftedness or intelligence; it's about moving out of passivity into activity. It is about a refusal to live a life in neutral and to value the irreplacable nuture of every moment. For these individuals, time is a precious commodity. It is about treating each day as a gift from God and recognizing that every moment lost can never be regained."

We all make mistakes in life but each day the sun drops, the sky turns dark and night fall comes. The day ends and so do those mistakes. They are over and done with. God gives us night to rest and erase the blackboard of our life. Then as the sun rises in the dawn, we are given light and an entirely new day of fresh dreams, fresh hope and fresh opportunities to serve others and love others through Christ. Each day is a new opportunity, a new start and a new adventure.

This awakening in me has been about putting first things first and about seizing the moment of each day God gives me. Any day (and some day) a windshield is coming with my name on it (and your name too). Time is short. Seize the moment.


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