Thursday, October 16, 2008

Be careful. Be still.

"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is." Ephesians 5:15-17

Be careful. Be careful of how you walk, of where you go, of who you associate with, of what you put into your mind. Make the most of your time for there are many "busy" things that compete for your 24 hours.

Satan has two strong tactics he employs to trip us up - the first is being busy. The busier we are, the less time we have to listen for the heart of God. Meetings, emails, blackberry's, little league, work, trips, charitable work, yard work, etc. Rush, rush. Go, go. Type-A. Power broker. Deal maker. Big producer. Important.

God wants you silent. God wants you slowed down so you can listen. Have you ever done this with your kids? "Please slow down a minute and be quiet so you can hear what I am trying to tell you!!" Don't you wonder if God isn't thinking the same thing about you and me? PLEASE get away from the noise. PLEASE get alone in the woods or in your closet so you can hear Me. PLEASE turn off the radio in your car and just communicate with Me. God longs for relationship with you. He craves time alone with you so He can nurture and guide you. Get quiet and listen.

Is it any wonder He says...."Be still and know that I am God"? (Ps 46:10). If you are will know.

Satan's other tactic - if he can't drown you in the busy work of this world, he'll go silent and convince you he doesn't exist. If you think about Oprah or the other "peace" guru's, they never talk about evil. They talk about evolving - about becoming the complete "you". They talk about inner peace. They talk about finding your center. They talk about being in the "now". Do you ever hear them talk about evil? Do they ever address the fact that Satan does exist, that evil is real and that it prowls around looking for someone to devour? They don't because they have bought one of Satan's great lies..."I'm not here."

The days are evil. Yes they are. I watch our debates and shake my head. Our nation stands on the brink. Where is the leadership? Where is the depth of character in the men and women that lead our nation? Where are the straight arrows - folks that mean what they say and say what they mean? Even more sad is why most Americans don't crave such leadership. Sadly, it appears we have become a nation of people who want someone else to fix our problems. We are a nation that turns away from responsibility and always thinks "someone else is to blame for my problems". We are a nation that has turned our backs on God and now wants a handout.

This verse is powerful. The days are evil. Don't be foolish. Understand the will of the Lord. Be careful. Be still.


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