Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Braveheart - "All men die, few men really live"

Ok, so what then? Where does this quest for adventure with God go? Is it a rebellion? No. Is it to create a para-church organization? No. Is this about getting the Pastor to change the way he preaches? No.

This is about my heart and the longing of my soul for a true relationship with God. It is about finding the man God intended me to be and enjoying the fruits of the gifts He has given me.

I happen to believe there are a lot of other men that feel exactly like I do. They are bored with their religion, bored with their church, tired of being "nice" - they want adventure.

Braveheart is one of my favorite movies. At the bottom, when the Scots had been humiliated by Longshanks, Wallace stepped forward. In Wild at Heart, John Eldredge captured the moment, "He rode in with his band of warriors, ready for battle. Ignoring the nobles, Wallace goes straight for the hearts of the fearful Scots. "Sons of Scotland...you have come to fight as free men, and free men you are and dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!" Later he says, "All men die, few men really live."

This is where I am. I am not willing to roll over now and accept the boredom I face for the next 40 (hopefully) years. I'm not willing to ride my ticket to Heaven dulled down, bored and nice. That is not what God intended for me.

God intended for me to really live. To live boldly and to take each day as a new marvelous adventure - an adventure He put in the making - opportunities to reach others He puts in my path. If my faith is on fire and bold, I will not shy away from sharing it. That is what I want.

We are all going to die. I choose to not "coast" satisfied with mediocrity. I choose to really live for God. That is what this quest is all about.

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