Sunday, April 30, 2006

Where is the risk?
God loves adventure. God is a warrior. God does not have a "plan B" - He only has one plan and His plan will be fulfilled exactly how He ordains it. Nothing surprises God. So in all this, I ask, "where is the risk?"

Where do I risk myself when it comes to my faith? Where do I spread my wings and soar unafraid of failure with my faith? God delivered the Jews out of bondage with great miracles and when trapped against the sea, God parted the sea to let them cross and then destroyed Pharaoh's army. No sooner than they were out on the other side did they resume their grumbling and complaining. Why on earth would they do this? Why on earth do I grumble and complain? Why am I unwilling to be bold with my faith?

God is calling each of us. Rise up. Reach. Soar. Don't settle for the status quo. Seek God at every turn - find Him because He is walking the garden looking for us - and we hide.

God is waking me up to my boredom and my longing for a close relationship with Him. God is showing me that He loves adventure, He loves risk taking with faith, He loves us to reach outside our comfort zone. Men are made in this image - we love adventure but life/society/church has dumbed down that sense of adventure into a mode of safety/sureness/comfort.

I want out. I'm tired of the status quo. I am sick of convention. I'm tired of safety. Someone once said, "A ship in a harbor is safe but that isn't what ships are built for."

God is calling us to soar.

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