Monday, June 12, 2006

I got another book by Erwin McManus called Uprising. I'm about 30 pages into it and I like what I am reading. Consider this. "This is how life is supposed to work. It's an adventure, a journey, a trek filled with uncertainty, excitement, and risk. One bad or painful experience can cause you to remain on the banks (of the river). But when you do, you neither move forward nor backwards; there you sit, just watching life go by." For the men that might read this and those in the Wynnbrook "uprising" that has started -- this is why I am doing this...I am tired of the boredom of my Christianity. God is a strong, wild river and I don't want to sit on the safety of the banks watching God roar by. I want in. I want to live. God called me (and you) for so much more than safety. He called us to do something with us. We are troops in His kingdom. He has a bold purpose for us. I feel God calling me (us) to stand up and dream. To move forward with bold purpose. Consider one of my favorite quotes of all time...

"Some men see things as they are and ask why. I dream things that never were and ask, why not?"

McManus continues, "So many of us have abdicated our passions for obligations, as if passion is a luxury for the young, and we must all grow up one day. We, even if reluctantly, fall into place to live a life of conformity that we describe as "maturity." We've made acting like adults synonymous with living apathetic lives. If apathy is adulthood and passion is childish, then I understand all the more the words of Jesus when He said that to enter His kingdom we must come as little children."

This is about a passionate dream of what a real, vibrant relationship with Jesus can be and throwing off the things that stop us from pursuing Him. It is about dreaming what we want from a men's group and making that happen. It is about moving FORWARD.

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