Monday, July 17, 2006

Let go of the past so you can move forward
More from "Chasing Daylight" by McManus...
One moment in the past continues to haunt every moment of your life. A moment in your history that steals from you all the moments in the future. To relive the past is to relinquish the future. If you are willing to let go of the past, then you are ready to step into the future. When you choose to remain stuck in a moment, you become incapable of seizing divine moments. If you're stuck in a moment, turn around, stop looking backward, and dare to look forward. Thre is a life that awaits you, an opportunity to explore and even create a future. Right now, this moment, put away the baggage from the past, shake yourself free from the fear of the future unknown. Right now, choose life - seize divine moments! God's greatest gift to you is that He calls you to be a pioneer, explorer, and even creator. There are things God does for you and things that God waits for you to do. The journey begins when you choose. Stop wasting daylight. Choose a life of meaningful adventure. When you do, you will live in the epicenter of God's activity.

This is a powerful text for me. I struggle to hold onto mistakes in my past. I've worried too much about what other people think of me. These have had the power to stop me from doing things I feel God is leading me to accomplish. Over the past 6 months, I've freed myself from some of the world's expectations for me and some wonderful new ministry opportunities have opened. I have a group of men at church that is bonding together and some new and powerful friendships are forming. We are sharing some of our deepest concerns and worries and we are finding strength in each other's struggles. This group started by men throwing off expectations and saying "I need this and I bet other men do also." This group started because men followed God's nudging and took a step of faith.

What is God calling you to do? What is it you are waiting on to get started? There are some things God does for you and there are others He waits for you to start. Get started. Live the adventure.


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