Friday, October 26, 2007

Why are we lonely? Why do - sometimes - we feel like it is us vs. the world? Why do we crave intimacy with our spouse? Not sex so much as deep intimacy. Why do we long for a few friends that really "get" us? As men, why do we want our father's affection and attention? Why do we need him to take a real interest in us a his son?

It is a fallen world. Broken. This isn't heaven. Those longings we feel are in some strange ways - normal. They are the normal consequences of living in a broken world. People don't meet our needs because deep down, they hurt and long as much as we do. Someone recently said, "Be patient with everyone for everyone you come in contact with is fighting a battle." Everyone that ticks you off today, everyone that is rude to you in a store, everyone that forgets you, fighting a deep battle of their own.

We all battle. We all hurt. This is a scary place this world of ours. It is easy to mourn this life because it isn't right. The world and mankind cannot fulfill that deep seated, soul-planted desire we all have for relationship. God put that desire in man and it won't be totally satisfied until we are with Him in His realm. That sense of mourning reflects the longing we have for M-O-R-E -- there has to be more than this life offers. Praise the Lord, there is.

Those twinges you feel are normal. It truly is you vs. the world. The world is out for itself because the world is broken. The hurt, anger, loneliness, lack of intimacy, sadness are all just symptoms of the fall. But there is hope. There is M-O-R-E.

He craves intimacy with us. He is restorative. He is healing. He is power. Lean on Him during the times of mourning this broken world.


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