Saturday, June 23, 2007

Christ Community
There is a good piece in today's Columbus paper on Christ Community. Keith Cowart, the pastor, and I attended John Eldredge's wild at heart in Colorado last October. It was a life changing event for me and Keith was also moved by the experience. Ever since, Keith and I have become dear friends. We've been attending his church over the past few months and I feel the Holy Spirit in that place like i've never experienced in a church. They meet in an abandoned Volkswagen dealership - so it isn't the majesty of the building. It is the Holy Spirit. Erwin McManus started Mosaic in LA and they met in a bar. God moved in powerful ways in Mosaic in a hedonistic building and God is moving in powerful ways at Christ Community among the ghosts of Volkswagens. At CC, it isn't about the package. These are not "pretty" Christians. It isn't the country club set. There are CEO's but there are also mechanics, soilders, tattoos, pony tails and a lot of very "average" people. It is a picture of what Christ intended for his church. He didn't draw the kings and CEO's - He pulled together a "Mosaic" of real people with real problems and a real passion for change. This is the picture of Christ Community - it truly is a community of Christ.

I've never seen a church follow the path CC is following. Every church i've ever been associated with follows the "we build it and pay for it later" model. Most major churches (the established, main line churches) have buildings long paid for but they insist on building campaigns every 5-7 years to keep their membership "indebted" to the church. It seems it is a way to keep members from drifting away. New campaigns seems to stir up a slumbering congregation but then in a few years, the money comes in and the new buildings are collecting dust and the members drift back off into the routine of church.

CC is a different kind of animal. They don't seek to build a mega church but instead plan to give themselves away - to seed other new churches (here and in other parts of the country). The more they give themselves away, the more God will bless them. It is a model for all of us. I've written a great deal about Servant Leadership - they are practicing it in a mighty way.

They were ready to launch construction on their new campus and suddenly, they stopped. They decided to wait on God to wait for Him to tell them when to proceed. They are more interested on equipping their members for ministry than they are in brick and mortar. I've been in a church that tried to raise $12 million for yet another phase of their mega church and they raised just $4 million. Yet, they are going ahead anyway and borrowing the rest depending on God to pay back that loan. CC is doing just the opposite. They are putting pride and ego aside and saying "we are not ready - we don't have enough money raised, our ministry teams are not ready, we don't have enough small group leaders trained up and ready...if we proceed, we'll have more debt than we are comfortable with and we will be swamped with new people (new folks always show up at new buildings) and the ministry foundation will not be ready to support this." So, they stopped.

Keith was quoted today saying, "I think we are at a crossroads, are we going to become a church about meeting our own needs (i.e. nice comfortable space) or we going to be a church about reaching others?" Christ Community isn't about religion. It is about a group of people with a passion for following the Lord. He says, "We are a safe place to hear a dangerous message." They don't try to impress people with their spirituality. They are real. They are vulnerable. They leave their ego at the door and are open to whatever God tells them to do.

It is very refreshing. I'll put more on this topic soon...


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