Monday, May 08, 2006

Andy Stanley
I highly encourage you to go onto Andy Stanley's website and listen to his sermon called "Storyline". In about 40 minutes, he takes you all the way through the Bible. He points out that the Bible was written by 40 writers, most of who never met, spanning nearly 1,500 years and through all that, the Bible tells one story. Redemption (to redeem, to buy back). That, in an of itself, is amazing. One story. 1,500 years. 40 writers - most never met. And yet, it tells one story. The story of God's love for you and me and the redemption.

It is a fabulous sermon and Andy talks in a way that draws you in. He converses. He chats. You just want to keep on listening. A new friend of mine, Andy Christiansen of Life Impact ministries goes to Andy's church and simply says, "he is annointed".

Listen to the sermon and let it soak in. Andy finishes and says "is it any wonder that millions of people who know this story, who grasp what has taken place, it is any wonder that millions start each day on their knees saying 'Yes, Lord, whatever you want'" The greatest miracle isn't what is in the Bible, it is the Bible. The most compelling argument isn't what is in the Bible, it is the Bible itself.

So what else can you do but throw your hands up and surrender to the God that has, and can, and will keep His promises?

The "good" news isn't good news, it is astonishing news, amazing news.


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