Thursday, May 11, 2006

Where are the men?
Consider this...
Nursery, Sunday School, weddings, baptisms, baby-dedication services, baby showers, small groups, funerals, hand-bell choir, Kay Arthur/Beth Moore studies, Wednesday night suppers...

Does any of that appeal to men? If you are reading this, you are probably a man --- re-read those "ministries" - honestly, be brutally honest --- does any of that appeal to you?

Not be crass but most of those words make my skin crawl.

Here is the point, where are the ministries to men? What does it feel like to wake up on Sunday morning and have your wife say, "Oh, honey, don't forget, today we have to keep the nursery today? Tuesday night is our small group where we get together and "open" ourselves up. Of course, you need to be at the church Wednesday at 5 for supper and oh, by the way, I signed us up for a Friday night social at the church."

Might as well shoot me.

Again, I am sorry to be crass but this is what I have been driving out all these blog postings ... the church dares to wonder "where are all the men?"

Why do we wonder this when we have nothing targeted directly to the God-given gifts a man possesses? About the only thing we do to attract men is build buildings. That holds a man's attention for a while because men like to build things (Hey, I still have a huge Lego set) but after a while, the man realizes that the building is for an expanded pre-school or nursery or for a larger room for Wednesday night suppers and eventually, the building holds no interest for the man. Men build buildings, raise the money so the women can minister inside.

I am afraid the men are absent because the church itself is feminized. This is a very politically incorrect statement but I don't apologize. For me, it "is what it is" and I fear a lot of other men feel the same thing.

The good news is there is a solution. God is not a god of small groups, hand-bell choirs and garden clubs - God is a god of action, adventure and the passionate pursuit of all of us. We need to wake up and challenge men to re-engage - get back in the game. But the church has to sell men on why they should come back.


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