Sunday, May 21, 2006

Where are we going with this?
What is all this about? Where is it leading?
Simply put, I don't know. A good friend Michael and I are in active discussions about this and what becomes of it at Wynnbrook. He is engaged. He recently tore through The Barbarian Way and has had a surge of excitement about what God is going to do.

The book is no magic elixer. Neither is Wild at Heat or Why Men Hate Going to Church or Dangerous Wonder. These were all written by very human men. They are not the Gospel. There is but one Gospel, one truth. However, God gives man talents for a reason. Man can interpret what the Gospel says and with the gift of writing, can lay that out in a way that touches many.

So while these books are not "the" solution, they are speaking to men profoundly. Why? I think they all share the same basic message that the institutional church has quite unintentionally driven men away. Domesticated men, passive and submissive are like a dog with a really strong shock collar. The church doesn't encourage men to be men. We don't talk about the dangerous wonder of a faith in God (although Bill Shorey talked about that this morning). Men are naturally attracted to action/adventure/purpose. Men need lofty ideals to aspire to.

Where does this go? I don't know. What I do know is that I want to put this message on the street and see if other men are awakened to it as I have been and as my friend Michael has been. I suspect many a man in the pew will be drawn to this and more importantly, this will enable "bored" men to become emboldened in their faith to share it with a lost world. That should be our only purpose.


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