Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Welcome Men --
Today, I signed letters along with Michael Harris inviting 20 men (mostly from Wynnbrook) to attend a meeting Thursday morning June 8th at 6:30am at Dogwood Lodge on Wynnbrook's campus. We'll have breakfast and coffee and will be done by 8am. In with that letter was a copy of Erwin McManus' book The Barbarian Way. I highly encourage you to start reading this book.

The adventure has begun.

We now embark on our journey for men to "awaken spiritually, have deeper and more meaningful connections with other men and to experience adventurous Christian living." That is the "mission" statement of this fledgling group of Columbus men. Who knows where God takes this? 20 men at Wynnbrook could blossom into hundreds of men across the city waking up to the true purpose God has intended for their lives.

This is exciting. Soar.

1 comment:

ledgesinme said...

